Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932 Full Movie) | Horror/Mystery | Bela Lugosi, Sidney Fox, Leon Ames, Bert Roach, Brandon Hurst, Noble Johnson, D'Arcy Corrigan. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
The Munsters' Revenge (1981 Full Movie) | Satire/Comedy-Horror | Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis, Jo McDonnell, K.C. Martel, Sid Caesar, Bob Hastings. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
GLOBAL BOMBSHELL w/ Gen. Michael Flynn: President Trump Planning To Launch Federal Task Force That Will Target The Giant Human Trafficking Networks Controlled By The Democrat/UN System!
General Flynn: "Every Empire Comes to an End and YOU Are The Generals Now—Rise to the Challenge, America!" | Michael Flynn Gives America an Intel Briefing in This Special Transmission with Alex Jones (9/29/24)
BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: Former Capitol Police Officer Who Arrested Owen Shroyer Repents, and Goes on InfoWars to Blow the Lid Off "January 6th" and Corruption in D.C.!
Patrick Byrne, Who Once Was Obama's Secret Agent and Who Later DIRECTLY Suggested to President Trump in 2020 "INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT" (of Course Trump Didn't—BOOO!) Goes Public and Warns Election-Theft is in High Gear!
Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Dan Bongino on Biden Dropping Out, What Dems Will Do Next, and with Michelle Obama Rejecting Being Drafted to Run is Hillary Planning to Backstab Kamala? (7/21/24)
Dan Bongino (10/22/24): "I am Telling You with Certainty, if You Are a Trump Supporter and We Lose, You BETTER Get a FkKing Lawyer!!!" + The REAL Reason to Vote Down-Ballot.