3 months agoCTP (S2EAugSpecial3, 20240821) "Painful Experiences Become Birthplace of Blessings" BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
4 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial4, 20240724) Overcoming Adversity with Trent Brock BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
4 months agoCTP (S2EAugSpecial1, 20240807) "Seven Messages from the Master" w/ Terry Christian BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
5 months agoCTP (S1EJunSpecial4, 20240626) Sadia Carone (Professional Comedian) "Need For Humor" BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
3 months agoCTP (S2SepSpecial2, 20240911) Ed Bonderenka of Your America Heritage show joins BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
7 months agoCTP (S1EMaySpecial1, 20240508) Jack Hager "Vietnam, to Prison, to Saved" BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
8 months agoCTP (S1EMarSpecial3, 20240327) Bullseye The Clown (Humor, Health, Healing) BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
5 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial3, 20240717) "The Eternal Chronicles" Zachary Hagen joins BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
8 months agoCTP (S1EAprSpecial, 20240403) Session with G'sta (Life before and after Katrina) BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
10 months agoCTP BTS/SP S1EJanSpecial Mid-Month/Week drop Liz Entin (Atheist, on Science of AfterLife)JLenardDetroit
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7 months agoCTP (S1MaySpecial2, 20240515) Dom Brightmon 'Positive Thought Catalyst' BTS VideoJLenardDetroit