1. You are made complete and whole in the LORD Jesus!

    You are made complete and whole in the LORD Jesus!

  2. Do NOT Focus on the things of this World, and set your eyes on the LORD Jesus!

    Do NOT Focus on the things of this World, and set your eyes on the LORD Jesus!

  3. You are QUALIFIED by your FAITH in the LORD Jesus to use the Gifts that He placed inside of YOU!

    You are QUALIFIED by your FAITH in the LORD Jesus to use the Gifts that He placed inside of YOU!

  4. You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

    You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

  5. The LORD is PATIENT fulfilling a Promise he put in YOU, because you need endurance to walk into it!

    The LORD is PATIENT fulfilling a Promise he put in YOU, because you need endurance to walk into it!

  6. Study the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!

    Study the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!

  7. The goal at the end of the day is not about performance. It is about loving MORE People!

    The goal at the end of the day is not about performance. It is about loving MORE People!

  8. The LORD wants YOU to excel in such a way that brings Gratitude to him in Every Way!

    The LORD wants YOU to excel in such a way that brings Gratitude to him in Every Way!

  9. Jesus became obedient to the point of death, so that we could serve and worship him!

    Jesus became obedient to the point of death, so that we could serve and worship him!

  10. The Old System of the Biblical Law is Obsolete, because a new one is greater JESUS lives inside YOU!

    The Old System of the Biblical Law is Obsolete, because a new one is greater JESUS lives inside YOU!

  11. Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

    Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

  12. Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!

    Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!

  13. F1 2024 Testing Preview ! #F12024

    F1 2024 Testing Preview ! #F12024

  14. The LORD is more concerned about your CHARACTER than your insecurities of leaving YOU!

    The LORD is more concerned about your CHARACTER than your insecurities of leaving YOU!

  15. Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

    Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

  16. Focus on the LORD Jesus, and all other distractions will fall away altogether!

    Focus on the LORD Jesus, and all other distractions will fall away altogether!

  17. Faith gives YOU, God's strength and ability, to fulfill the promise God has put in your heart!

    Faith gives YOU, God's strength and ability, to fulfill the promise God has put in your heart!

  18. The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

    The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

  19. The trials or situation YOU are facing is an invitation from the LORD to build your character!

    The trials or situation YOU are facing is an invitation from the LORD to build your character!

  20. There has to be a GENUINE Prayer of Repentance, so that Judgement doesn't fall on this Country!

    There has to be a GENUINE Prayer of Repentance, so that Judgement doesn't fall on this Country!

  21. The RICH will be judged by the LORD, if they neglect, and refuse to help the POOR!

    The RICH will be judged by the LORD, if they neglect, and refuse to help the POOR!

  22. There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!

    There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!
