1 month agoDO NOT TALK with BRAD WYLDER (WakeUpCanadaNews.com) Canada is collapsing!CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK live with PASTOR DAVE BRYAN, SHARLETA BASSETT, & NANCY G. (Trump Rally 9-28-24)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
4 months agoDO NOT TALK with DINESH D'SOUZA (VindicatingTrump.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
2 months agoDO NOT TALK with CHELSIE MARIE & SHARINA LATCH (WildNFreeWithChelsieMarie.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
2 months agoDO NOT TALK with LOY BRUNSON (LoyBrunson.com) 12-23-24CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
2 months agoDO NOT TALK with ANA VASQUEZ (call Ana at 414-629-0313)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with HOLLY ANDREATTA (LincolnCA.gov)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
7 months agoDO NOT TALK with Patriot MIKE COOK (Rumble.com/user/PatriotMikeCook)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
11 months ago(5 MAGGIO 2020) - PADRE LIVIO FANZAGA: “RATZINGER SVELA IL POTERE DELL'ANTICRISTO!!”😇💖🙏 - #Siamo mortali ma, combattendo questa battaglia, saremo immortali!! -umbertofortunati
7 months agoDO NOT TALK with MARC BRATTIN (FoundryRocks.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK is live on the final day of CA STATE-WIDE TRUMP TRAIN (WeThePeopleCA.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK is live 1st day of CA STATE-WIDE TRUMP TRAIN (WeThePeopleCA.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with the final convoy of the 1st ever CA STATE-WIDE TRUMP TRAIN (WeThePeopleCA.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with RYAN RONCO (PlacerCountyElections.gov)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with GREG BURT (CaliforniaFamily.org)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
3 months agoDO NOT TALK with REX LEDESMA (CRPAssociateDelegates.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES' DEBATE (9-10-24)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with KIM YEATER (TakeYourPowerBackShow.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
5 months agoDO NOT TALK with RICHARD GAGE (RichardGage911.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
3 months agoDO NOT TALK with THE HITMEN, Pt. 2, VINN DOGG & JAZ McKAY (The Dee Jays)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with ADAM B. COLEMAN (author of "Black Victim to Black Victor")CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
1 month agoCHARLEE SIMONS presents STEVE STERN (Election Security call) 1-8-25CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
9 months agoDO NOT TALK with SARAH MATTSON (NewCaliforniaState.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified
6 months agoDO NOT TALK with PASTOR DAVID LOWERY, JR. (LetTheTruthBeToldRadio.com)CharLee Simons Presents Do Not TalkVerified