5 months agoCIA Control Over Media, Controlled Constructs w/ Media Insider Scotty SaksSarah WestallVerified
11 months agoHow they are using Geoengineering as a Weapon of War with James Lee & Sarah WestallFree Your Mind Videos
8 months agoWho really controls and owns the majority of the United States w/ Dr. Dave JandaSarah WestallVerified
8 months agoEverything is not as it seems: Tavistock and the Lie Factory w/ Courtenay TurnerSarah WestallVerified
8 months agoJuly's Big Event: When will it occur? Good vs Evil & Understanding Our Time w/ Philipp, Cru, RomanSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoFormer Navy SEAL and Assassination Expert Reveals Trump Insights w/ Don MannSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoBloodline Family Control Traced from Ancient Sumeria to Present Day w/ Dean HendersonSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoGlobal Cult's Military Program & Synthetic Matrix Trapping Humanity w/ Prof. David A HughesSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoThe Real Reasons behind the Economic Turmoil and Wars w/ Harley SchlangerSarah WestallVerified
8 months agoOngoing Operation: Banking Cartel is taking down the Crypto Entrepreneurs w/ Reggie MiddletonSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoCabal rebrands Eugenics into Transhumanism, Depopulation Plan w/ Charlie RobinsonSarah WestallVerified
8 months agoMind Control: Google’s Stated Mission:“Recreating Society Based on Our Values” w/ Dr. EpsteinFree Your Mind Videos
7 months agoSpiritual Warfare, the Big July Event, Mind Control & More.. Sarah Westall on Dr. Jason Dean's ShowSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoDominion Whistleblower: Husband Killed by Cabal Thugs, Faces 20 Yrs in Kangaroo Court w/ Tina PetersSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoJournalist Files Injunction against the CIA, Multi Generation Targeting – Janet PhalenSarah WestallVerified
8 months agoMilitary Ops in US, Afghanistan, Iraq w/ Former Special Ops Officer Jeff NiklausSarah WestallVerified
5 months agoBehind the Scenes of the Parler Take Down, Fight to control the Internet w/ Amy RobbinsFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoComparisons: Maui Fire and North Carolina Hurricane – Land & Resource Grabs w/ Michelle MelendezBiological Medicine
6 months ago"Terrorist Watch Lists, How Everyone is being Targeted w/ Richard Lighthouse"The Sarah Westall Show on DailyCloutVerified
3 months agoPanopticon Prison Surveillance State is Humanity’s Current Reality w/ Eric & Glenn MederBiological Medicine
1 month agoLeaked Intel Report – Mass Casualty Event, Disturbing Evidence in LA Fires w/ Dave HodgesBiological Medicine
2 months agoFake or Real Alien Invasion, Military Advanced Craft & UFO Research: Laura Eisenhower, Patty GFree Your Mind Videos