4 months ago$atanic Ritual Abu$e, Beauty Distortion Programs, Lyme Disease Recovery: Quantum Healing LiveRoots Restored Wellness
5 months agoQuantum Healing Live 9-16-24: Harvest Time Full Moon, Eclipse, Spiritual Warfare, and more!Roots Restored Wellness
6 months agoQuantum Healing Live 8-19-24 Q & A: Spirit Animals, Extreme Weather, Video Games & More!Roots Restored Wellness
6 months agoQuantum Healing Live 9-9-24: Relationship Level Up, Maximize Nutrients, Womb-Manifesting, and more!Roots Restored Wellness
7 months agoQuantum Healing Live 8-5-24 Q & A: Crystal Worship, Navigating the Void, Weight Balance & More!Roots Restored Wellness
8 months agoQuantum Healing Live 6-24-24: Curses Against Humanity, Abundance, Live Clearings and more!RootsRestoredWellness
8 months agoQuantum Healing Live 7-1-24: Earth Catastrophe; Parasitic Invasion Live Clearings and more!RootsRestoredWellness
7 months agoQuantum Healing Live 7-22-24 Q & A: Yellowstone Showdown, New Madrid, Dream Relationship & More!Roots Restored Wellness
7 months agoQuantum Healing Live 7-29-24 Q & A: Olympics, 🔥Fires, New Madrid, Ego Death, Solar Storms & More!Roots Restored Wellness