UMass Lowell: At First Very Peaceful Calm Crowd Slowly Grows, I Pray For Newborn Baby Christian, Then Mockers Bring Out Loud Speakers & Music, I Sing Out Worship Songs & Spiritual Warfare Vividly Manifests: Mockery-Wickedness Vs. Holy Preaching
Amightywind Prophecy 79 - Bride 144,000, Qualified "she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride is humble and Holy.." .."honor the true Shabbat.." not Sunday like YAHUSHUA'S Early Disciples no legalism does their best
JJ Carrell live 1/27 Noon Pacific 3 pm eastern Creator of What is Treason #Trafficked and #Invaded Documentaries: Human Trafficking on the US Border #362
Amightywind Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny, Come Forth! "You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day."
Amightywind Prophecy 39 - ANOINTED HOLY EAGLES, COME FORTH! "Fight against the attacks of the unholy vultures. Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away from this world's eyes, away from the church systems."