Sticks & Stones May Break Bones, Hate Speech Will Not.. IT IS FREE SPEECH! Conscious Discourse is an Individual's Choice of Responsibility, NOT A REQUIREMENT. And Any Attack May Be (Not Absolutely) an Opportunity to Investigate My Own Reflection!
Dark Side Of The Ring (S3 E13) | They All Found Happiness and Would Do it ALL Again! It Was Their Path. It Was How, and for Them, the ONLY WAY at That Point They'd Grow. If There's Need to Judge [Your ONLY WAY Available] You May Also Hate/Judge.
Mark Zuckerberg Does a "180" and Apologizes for HATING TRUMP in SHOCKING Twist! | WE in 5D: He's Probably Aiming to Avoid G🔱TTIN' 🔥T with the Sh!t About to Hit the Fan.