9 months ago1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum using The Playful Pioneers and Gentle and Classical Naturetheartofselfreliance
8 months agoExodus 23:14-33 Bible Study - The Book of the Covenant - Three Festivals; God Prepares the Way.Iron Sheep Ministries
9 months agoHow Both the Old and New Testaments Point to Jesus | “The Unfolding Mystery” Book Recommendationpreparedtoanswer
7 months agoExodus 29 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 5 - Consecration of the Priests.Iron Sheep Ministries
9 months agoExodus 22:1-17 Bible Study - The Book of the Covenant - Protection of Property.Iron Sheep Ministries
9 months agoExodus 22:18-31 Bible Study - The Book of the Covenant - Social ResponsibilityIron Sheep Ministries
11 months agoExodus 20:8-11 - The 4th Commandment - Observe Sabbath (Shabbat שַׁבָּת)Iron Sheep Ministries