Dumb it Down to 3D! If the Term "God-Given Rights" Loses it's Tangibility (Side Note: Then Your Personal Spirituality is Doing You a Disservice) LET'S MAKE IT TANGIBLE via an Atheist Perspective. In Short: YOU MUST ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS.
General Blaine Holt: A Military AND Spiritual Perspective on This Worldwide Awakening! — Jean Noland, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: Let's be Clear—What are World War, Cyber Attacks, and New Pandemics/Vaccine Mandates About? #CancelThe2024Election!
Mike Adams ADMITS it: THE REPUBLIC WILL NOT BE SAVED—it's About Your Communities and Rebuilding AFTER the Collapse (WE in 5D: Toldga!).. + He Warns Negative Aliens are Directing the Deterioration of Humanity.