Project Looking Glass, Free Energy, Interdimensional Beings, Recruitment and Attacks, The Cosmic Hoax, and More! | Dr. Steven Greer Interviewed by Alex Jones
🚨 BREAKING 🚨 WW3 HAS BEGUN: The U.K. Joins The U.S. in Massive Bombing Attacks Inside Russia—Western Nations Evacuate Ukrainian Embassies Before Massive Russian Counter-Attack!
The Globalists Are –DONE– But They're Also Now "Dangerous Rabid Animals" Cornered By US (You and I). The Globalists in Their Death Throes Are Ready to Carry Out Cyber Attacks, False Flags, and Martial Law!
🚨 ELECTION ALERT 🚨 The Illuminati Has Set The Stage for Race-Based False Flag Attacks During a Disputed Election That Are Designed to Trigger Civil War Conditions!
🚨 EXCLUSIVE Breaking Terror Alert 🚨 Secret Homeland Security Memo Warns of Ukrainian-Connected Terror Attacks in The United States During and After The 2024 Election!
PRE-THANKSGIVING ALERT: Is The Illuminati Trying To Launch WW3 On Thanksgiving Weekend? The World Awaits President Trump's Comments On Such An Event After Biden Proposes Giving Nuclear Weapons To Ukraine As NATO Considers Sneak Attacks On Russia!
CIVIL WAR / FALSE FLAG ALERT: Federal Agents Will Attempt to Deport Illegal Migrants Who Are Being Organized By Democrats to Physically & Violently Resist—Alex Jones Warns The Illuminati is Planning Racially Motivated False Flag Terror Attacks!
FULL SHOW: WW3 Has Begun! A State of War Between Russia and NATO Countries Now Exists After The UK Joined The United States in Massive Bombing Attacks Inside Russia! Learn How We Can Stop WW3 From Going Nuclear! | InfoWars (11/20/24)