9 months agoSelf-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed - Greg Reese - May 9, 2024FanaticVoyageVerified
10 months ago💥 THIS JUST HAPPENED IN UK PARLIAMENT. Covid Vaccines Genetically Modified OrganismsTalkToTheBody
9 months agoEn Produsert Krise - Corona Etterforskende Komite Med Reiner Fuellmich og Dr. David MartinFanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
10 months agoHuman Enslavement By Year 2030 In line With WEF's Stated Dark Agenda - Natali Morris / RedactedFanaticVoyageVerified
9 months agoPushed Fake Vaccines Based On Retracted Research Paper , Dr. Annette Bosworth's Turned ShockedHetNet - Computing HumansVerified
10 months agoMessage From Dr. McCullough - "I Want Everybody to Begin Warning Others About the Vaccines"FanaticVoyageVerified
4 months agoMÅ SEES - Prof. Stefan Homburg Forklarer Med Kirurgisk Presisjon Hvorfor Det Ikke Var Noen PandemiFanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
10 months agoWhile The Reset Schedule Goes Ahead - mRNA Vaccine For Cancer Is Being Tested on UK patientsFanaticVoyageVerified
4 months agoDr. David Martin Kommer Med De Største COVID Bombene Hittil - Info Battle på RumbleFanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
9 months agoAustralian Government KNOWS the COVID JABS are KILLING People - Sen Malcolm RobertsFanaticVoyageVerified
9 months agoFlorida Banning Lab-grown Meat - Ron Desantis Signs Bill Into Law - Fox News CoverageFanaticVoyageVerified
4 months agoBBC Erkjenner Endelig Vaksineskader... Men Det Er Tre År FOR SENT - GB NEWS Med Bev TurnerFanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
9 months agoAnálisis Microscopía de Influvax Para la Influenza Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🌎🌎🌎💉💉💉☠️☠️ |Dra. Liliana ZeladaCanal De ViajesFanaticos (FanaticVoyage)Verified
9 months agoSoros Backed UN Population Division - Exposing The Agenda And Plan To Invade USFanaticVoyageVerified
4 months agoAzerbai-sham - COP29 Baku for å diskutere Klima, Værmodifisering og Skiftende Globale MønstreFanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
5 months agoJapanske Dr. Hiroto Komano Fra Tokyo Diskuterer Sør-Korea Studie av 550 000FanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
9 months agoAi VS Humans - This is the dangerous AI that got Sam Altman fired. Elon Musk, Ilya SutskeverHetNet - Computing HumansVerified
9 months agoPushed Fake Vaccines Based On Retracted Research Paper , Dr. Annette Bosworth's Turned ShockedFanaticVoyageVerified
7 months agoVax Nightmare for Children Unfolds - Study Shows 13,633% Increased Risk of Death By InjectionHetNet - Computing HumansVerified
4 months agoFNs MØRKE Agenda - Hva Du Ikke Blir Fortalt Om Agenda 2030 - 18. Oktober 2024FanaticVoyage NorgeVerified
10 months agoImportant Message From Geert Vanden Bossche - Leading Authority On VirologyShort scientific videosVerified