Tim Tebow | Living Intentionally 101 + "Regardless of whatever I do, I know what my purpose is: to make a difference in people's lives." - Tebow + Tebow Joins Clay Clark's June 27-28 Business Growth Workshop (2 Tix Remain)!
Business Coach | “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” - Guy Kawasaki (One of Original Apple Employees Responsible for Marketing Apple Macintosh Computer) + The Disease of Believing Great Ideas Are 90% of the Work
Business Coach | 18x World Champion MMA & Kickboxing Coach Trevor Wittman | Don’t Let People Hold You Back + "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." - Proverbs 13:20
Business Coach | "You Were Able to Help Us Develop Processes for Everything That Happens Within the Business. Going Down the Line from How We Answer Phones, How We Generate Leads, Checklists." - Gabe Salinas of WindowNinjas
Search Engine Optimization | The Best-Selling Author of Search Engine for Dummies, BRUCE CLAY Teaches Search Engine Optimization 101 + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's 2-Day Interactive Business Workshop (Dec 5 - 6)