Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in ‘Horrific’ Adrenochrome Ritual/Authorities Investigating After Woman Dies on Opening Day at Burning Man – Festival Includes ‘Orgy Dome’/“I Hear You, I Heard You, and Tell Your People I Hear Them
Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking/Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims Destined for Washington D.C./German officials decry Ukrainian refugee handouts WEF Founder Told Young Globa
JAG Convicts Arizona SoS Adrian Fontes of Treason& Conspiracy to Carry Out Election Fraud/‘She-Hulk’ Star Says Parents Shouldn’t Be Allowed To ‘Control How A Child Identifies/Klaus Schwab Tells Elitist Followers They Must ‘Force’ Humanity/
Iran Elects Reformist President Amid Low Turnout, Young People Celebrate In Streets/Biden Says He’ll Only Drop Out If God Tells Him To/Parkinson's Specialist Met With White House At Least 9 Times Since July 2023
What topics would you like to hear Brenda discuss? /Two Workers Killed, Another Severely Injured in Shocking Delta Airplane Tire Explosion at Atlanta Airport/Oklahoma Teen Bravely Fights Back Against Woke School Officials After Being Told He Can’t Fly A