5 months agoProf. Bhakdi an der Demo Berlin: "Corona-Menschenexperiment aufarbeiten sichert Frieden"GreatResistanceTVVerified
8 months agoProfessor Doktor Sucharit Bhakdi In einem sehr bewegenden Interview zu den furchtbaren InjektionenKlausHaberstein
8 months agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Vaccination turned out to be the greatest blessing for the world elitenewstart2024Verified
7 months agoPascal Najadi with Dr. Bhakdi: M E S S A G E - To All Humanity in the World!Patriots Base 🦅 🇺🇸 ⚔️
7 months agoMicrobiologista Sucharit Bhakdi alerta sobre os perigos das terapias genéticas de mRNABenesilvi
7 months agoCOVID-19 Vaccine is ‘Downright Dangerous’ and Will Send You ‘to Your Doom’Biological Medicine
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23 days agoDr. Bhakdi: Foreign Gene Integration Can Cause Cancer InstantlyQuestion EverythingVerified
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