1. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - Four Blocks North With Penthouse Edited Out (WPIX)

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - Four Blocks North With Penthouse Edited Out (WPIX)

  2. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - Freefall And Heated Formations In Dust Flow

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - Freefall And Heated Formations In Dust Flow

  3. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - From Apartment Window With Extended Slow Motion Zoomed Crop

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - From Apartment Window With Extended Slow Motion Zoomed Crop

  4. 911 WTC 7 Demolition

    911 WTC 7 Demolition

  5. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - Penthouse Collapse Close Up, Flashes, And Gas Ejections

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - Penthouse Collapse Close Up, Flashes, And Gas Ejections

  6. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - Penthouse Collapse Long Shot CNN Raw No Audio

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - Penthouse Collapse Long Shot CNN Raw No Audio

  7. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - Symmetrical Collapse With Penthouse CBS Extended

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - Symmetrical Collapse With Penthouse CBS Extended

  8. 911 WTC 7 Demolition - This Is It ... Ashleigh Banfield

    911 WTC 7 Demolition - This Is It ... Ashleigh Banfield

  9. 911 WTC 7 - Scenes From Balcony Before And After Demolition

    911 WTC 7 - Scenes From Balcony Before And After Demolition

  10. 911 WTC 7 - South Face Damage Closeup (Action News 2 Tape)

    911 WTC 7 - South Face Damage Closeup (Action News 2 Tape)

  11. 911 WTC 7 - Vertical Slice With Flashes And Symmetrical Implosion

    911 WTC 7 - Vertical Slice With Flashes And Symmetrical Implosion

  12. 911 WTC 7 Aftermath Debris Pile Removal 500 - 530 am Sept 12 CNN (8)

    911 WTC 7 Aftermath Debris Pile Removal 500 - 530 am Sept 12 CNN (8)

  13. 911 WTC 7 Aftermath Debris Pile Removal 500 - 530 am Sept 12 CNN (6)

    911 WTC 7 Aftermath Debris Pile Removal 500 - 530 am Sept 12 CNN (6)

  14. 911 WTC 7 - Keep An Eye On That Building Its Coming Down ..... The Building Is About To Blow Up

    911 WTC 7 - Keep An Eye On That Building Its Coming Down ..... The Building Is About To Blow Up

  15. 911 WTC Building 7 Collapse - 23 angles

    911 WTC Building 7 Collapse - 23 angles

  16. 911 WTC 7 - Additional Continuing Secondary Explosions in the Federal Building

    911 WTC 7 - Additional Continuing Secondary Explosions in the Federal Building

  17. Israeli Mossad Involvement In The 911 WTC Attacks - Part 2

    Israeli Mossad Involvement In The 911 WTC Attacks - Part 2

  18. 911 WTC Ann Thompson cars

    911 WTC Ann Thompson cars

  19. 911 WTC 1st attack - Pavel Hlava Footage (Rare)

    911 WTC 1st attack - Pavel Hlava Footage (Rare)

  20. 911 WTC chips are not paint Dr James Millette is wrong - Niels Harrit

    911 WTC chips are not paint Dr James Millette is wrong - Niels Harrit

  21. 911 Ray Kelley Discusses The Office Of Emergency Management In WTC 7 1205 pm

    911 Ray Kelley Discusses The Office Of Emergency Management In WTC 7 1205 pm

  22. 911 WTC 7 Controlled Demolition Assorted Clips

    911 WTC 7 Controlled Demolition Assorted Clips

  23. 911 WTC 7 May Collapse or Has Collapsed CNN 420pm

    911 WTC 7 May Collapse or Has Collapsed CNN 420pm

  24. 911 WTC 7 East Face Southwest Corner Smoke And Damage With FDNY Radio

    911 WTC 7 East Face Southwest Corner Smoke And Damage With FDNY Radio

  25. 911 WTC Building 7 Demolition - Its Gone Man (West Side Highway)

    911 WTC Building 7 Demolition - Its Gone Man (West Side Highway)
