1. Philippians 4 - Paul tells us what our minds should be focusing on. 2017

    Philippians 4 - Paul tells us what our minds should be focusing on. 2017

  2. Psalm 119 part 4 v25-32 "My soul is laid low in the dust". Tune: Walton 4th: daleth

    Psalm 119 part 4 v25-32 "My soul is laid low in the dust". Tune: Walton 4th: daleth

  3. Psalm 119 part 22 169-176 "Seek your servant who strayed like a sheep" To the tune Mulchaich

    Psalm 119 part 22 169-176 "Seek your servant who strayed like a sheep" To the tune Mulchaich

  4. CA 11:37 / 24:52 (Psalm 6 Sermon) From Judgment to Mercy: The Journey of Psalm 6

    CA 11:37 / 24:52 (Psalm 6 Sermon) From Judgment to Mercy: The Journey of Psalm 6
