7.0 Northern California Quake A Warning To The Wicked USA, Trump Picks Sacks To Be Crypto-Currency & AI Czar (Has Ties To Peter Thiel The Youngblood Drinker and Raging Sodomite), Candace Cameron Under Great Delusion That "Revival" Is Coming
Biden & Trump Both Celebrate Same Sex Marriage Law, 3.3 Earthquake Rattles Ohio, Evidences Proving Trump Is The Antichrist, Feds Ban Drones Over Bedminster, Fani Willis Removed, My Testimony From Journalist To Evangelist
University of Maryland: At 36 Minute and 40 Second Mark, A Humble Roman Catholic Student Approaches Me & We Have A 45 Minute Conversation -- ONE OF THE BEST INTERACTIONS W/ A STUDENT I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!!
UMass Lowell: Powerful Anointing Pours Onto Students, A Banana-Clad Student Does Cartwheels, Crowd of About 20 Students Gathers To Mock, One Young Roman Catholic Comes Under Intense Conviction & He Runs Home To Get Born Again In Jesus! HUGE VICTORY!!!
WVU: Mocking Agnostic Soon Turns Sober As He Agrees to An Hour Conversation & By The End He Thanks Me -- Holy Spirit Really Worked Powerfully Today -- Another Catholic Student w/ Humble Heart Meekly Receives The Word, Just An AWESOME Day on Campus!
Strasburg Railroad: I Ride A Restored Steam Locomotive For 3rd Day of Sukkot, Holy Spirit Has Me Give A Teaching While Enjoying the Train, Divine Appointments, The Golden Age of Steam Locomotives In A Bygone Era
Marshall Univ (West Virginia): Security Cop Tries To Tell Me To Move, I Refuse, Eventually Police Say I Can Stand On a Grassy Knoll Very Close to Plaza So I Comply, have about 10-15 interactions with both sincere Christians and Curious Atheists/Agnostics
I Drove To John's Rehab In New Jersey Yesterday & Rebuked All The Nurses In The Rehab Where John Bellesorte Is, Nurses Got Very Upset With Me, Jeremiah 12 Is A Testimony Against Many of You As Jesus Continues To Bless This Ministry - Jesus Lives!
University of Cincinnati: Warning Students of Antichrist Donald Trump & Approaching 7 Year Tribulation, Handed Huge Stack of Gospel Tracts To Employee of University, Most Students Apathetic Zombies, Preaching Jesus Christ & His Blood
Marshall U (West Virginia) The Gentle Rain Made For A Quiet Day, Civil Heckler, Great Conversation w/ A Convicted Hypocrite, Passed Out Gospel Tracts, Edifying Conversation w/ A Sincere Baptist, A Fruitful Day of Preaching Jesus!
Shabbat Bible Study: Isaiah 42, 43, 1st John 1-3, 1st Timothy 2: The End Times Are Upon Us Yet So Many of You Are Still Entertaining Sin In Your Hearts -- Professing Christians Need To Live Holy & Stop Making Excuses For Sin
Sukkot Day 8: Prophetic Layers, My 2 True Prophecies, Jesus Exalts My Horn In Righteousness, Prophetic Unlocking of Zechariah Chapters 5 and 6 As It Relates to Covid-19, Donald Trump's Re-election, Daniel 9:27 and Coming Nuclear War Into 7 Year Trib
Large Crowd Forms At 2 Hr & 9 Min Mark, Holy Spirit Manifests, I Pray For Homosexual Student To Get Deliverance, Rebuking Hypocrites, Anti-Christ Trump, 7 Year Tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, Marcus Follows Me & CRIES OUT For Salvation!