6 months agoOn Divine Remembrance and the Magnificence of God's PresenceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 months agoSaint Germain: Engage with Me for Victorious AlchemiesThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
4 months agoSaint Germain: Use the Sun’s Energy from Your Own I AM PresenceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
4 months agoSanat Kumara and Lady Venus Celebrate the Victories of the IHCCThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
11 months agoThe Five Dhyani Buddhas, Their Feminine Consorts and the Five Crystal RaysThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
4 months agoThe Alchemy of Love, Thought, Planning and ManifestationThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 months agoHoly Amethyst: An Archangelic Infusion of Violet Solar Light!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified