What is the 2nd Wave of Volunteers/Starseeds Like? — Dolores Cannon | WE in 5D: The 2nd Wave is Me. And is Probably the Wave Earth Has the Most Quantity of at the Moment.
The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time is Being Exposed! When You Feel You've EXHAUSTED All the Things You Believe in [Probably Because You Realize/Accept it's Let You Down] Return to This Video! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
A Storm Like You've Never Seen Coming in the Next Weeks and Months! Take Your "I Love Trump Glasses" or Your "I Hate Trump Glasses" Off and Be Objective in Order to Handle REALITY Properly. —Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
Abraham Hicks—Donald Trump Vs. The Global Elite Illuminati | #2016Flashback | Jesus: "Gentle as a Lamb", AND ALSO "WISE AS A SERPENT AND SHREWD AS A SNAKE!" | Be Real Tho: Even a Master is Not Promised 2024. Ask a Crucified Jesus!