Elon Musk | Want to Know Absolutely Everything That Has Happened Up to Now? Who Funded Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter? Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? What's the Horrifying Roko Basilisk AI Thought Experiment?
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO Stati Uniti,Trump annuncia nuovi dazi del 25%;'l'UE è stata molto ingiusta nei nostri confronti' I dazi sulle auto importate negli USA saranno del 25% e oltre, e aumenteranno notevolmente nel corso dell'anno.
Elon Musk | "The Purpose of Neuralink Is to Create a High Bandwidth Interface to the Brain, We Can Be Symbiotic With AI. The Merged Scenario w/ AI Seems the Best. If You Can't Beat It, Join It. We Merge With AI." - 9/7/2018