Trump Declares Himself King, Musk Still Supports MRNA Vaccines, Dr. Exposes Fraud of Vaccines, Liberals Calling For Violent Revolution And How It Ties Into Duduman Prophecy About End of USA
Bird Flu | "Most pregnant women and unborn babies who contract bird flu will die, study finds." - The Guardian (10/20/2024) + New mRNA Vaccine Development Against Bird Flu? - World Health Organization (7/29/2024)
The CCP is Still Active in the United States and Intimidating Dissident Journalists | Has Trump Put the Team in Place to Withdraw mRNA Vaccines | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Janice Trey
Bird Flu | 10 Bird Flu Facts + Raw Milk Containing Bird-Flu Virus Can Sicken Mice, Study Finds + University of Minnesota, “Promising preclinical findings for mRNA vaccine against global H5N1 avian flu clade” + How to Speak Fluent Minnesotan