3 months agoPacific414 Pop Talk: Kris Kristofferson Passes Away at 88 Josh Brolin Confirms DC TalksPACIFIC414 on RUMBLEVerified
9 months agoMarch of the Mechs: Magic Mecha Missions – Around the Hearth 2024The Inn of Planar Crossroads
9 months agoMarch of the Mechs: Making Mystical Mecha – Around the Hearth 2024The Inn of Planar Crossroads
3 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “fun” - "diversion, amusement, mirthful sport," 1727, earlier "a cheat, trick" (c. 1700), from verb fun (1680s) "to cheat, hoax," 🕎 Proverbs 26:19 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144