The Car 1977 (Full Movie) | Horror/Action/Fantasy/Supernatural | James Brolin, Kathleen Lloyd, John Marley, Elizabeth Thompson, Ronny Cox. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Hoppity Goes to Town (1941 Full Animated Movie) | Fantasy/Family | Kenny Gardner, Gwen Williams, Jack Mercer, Tedd Pierce, Carl Meyer, Stan Freed, Pauline Loth. | #DaveFleischerAppreciation
Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Dark Adventure/Light Horror [Actually TRUER to Creator L. Frank Baum's Oz Novels Than the Beloved Musical Movie of 1939] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.
The Sword of the Barbarians (1982 Full Movie) | Adventure-Fantasy/Sword & Sorcery | Pietro Torrisi, Yvonne Fraschetti, Mario Novelli, Xiomara Rodriguez.
Hercules and the Captive Women –Or– Hercules and the Conquest of Atlantis (1961 Full Movie) | Adventure-Fantasy/Sword-and-Sandal | Reg Park, Fay Spain, Ettore Manni, Luciano Marin.
Masters Of The Universe (1987 Full Movie) | Fantasy-Adventure/Action/Sci-Fi | Dolph Lundgren, Frank Langella, Courteney Cox, James Tolkan, Christina Pickles, Meg Foster.