Exposing Beast Mark 666 (World's Most Complete Revelation) From YAH'S Own Amightywind Ministry! These are among many Prophecy Excerpts 71, 27, 34, 102, 83, 113, 24 pt 1
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat! "you Jews did not crucify, I, YAHUSHUA. It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children.."
Prophecy 25 - America, MY Hand Is Set Against You! "If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee."
Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"
Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts 150, 153 YAH ASKS World "Do You Know What A Prophet Is?" 1 TRUE TO 1000S OF FALSE! Elisheva was immediately a Prophet as soon as YAHUSHUA saved her as a young teen
Amightywind Prophecy 96 - Year of Jubilee, YAHUVEH Says, Cast Your Dead Weight Off! YAH Counters & Harshly Judges Ruthless, Merciless Creditors and Sets an Elder Brother Free
Amightywind Prophecy 28 - Are You One of My Hidden Ones? YAH'S Anointed Geniuses "MY People have been hidden," "walked alone without counsel" "have been taught of MY RUACH ha KODESH."
Anointed Minister Warns World if following the lies of the NWO Churches "it's not worth going through the Great Tribulation" lies about YAH'S Amightwind/others & Elisheva is not Elijah of Old. Be Free
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 6 - "Stand together and fight for Holiness. Stand together and fight unholiness. In MY Power, in MY Word, in MY Name, under MY Anointing, through MY Blood.." (PROPHECY IN DESCRIPTION TOO)
Amightywind Prophecy 34 Exposes "When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing.." (this means millions will claim it's not the mark it's for good)
Amightywind Prophecy 15 - It's One Minute Until Midnight! YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour! America "But now your leaders have gone awhoring after other gods, they have called themselves MINE, yet mock all that is holy."
Amightywind Prophecy 55 - WARN THE PEOPLE! DEVASTATION IS COMING!!! (Added features, potent) "That's why I'm telling MY Daughter now; speak it forth in a spoken word."
Amightywind Prophecy 63 (by AMW video team) Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? "All MY Children have to do is receive, believe, love and try your best to obey MY Commandments. Is this so hard?"
Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! "I could even give your names but I will not allow the enemy to know your names. And words to the wise, to the Hebrew translators, do not use your true name."
Prophecy 50 (low volume Israeli music) Hear Oh Yisrael! THE POWER! THE POWER! THE POWER! Is In YAHUVEH's Name! all of your atomic weapons, they cannot begin to compare with the Rod that I have placed inside that I have placed inside that box.
Prophecy 72 PLANET X! "I, YAHUVEH will use a planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies" "UNDERGROUND CITIES..will be your WATERY TOMBS" YAH allows Planet to sweep by Earth
Amightywind Prophecy 120 - Don’t Give Up! Do Not Quit! Sukkot Restoration Prophecy to Hebrew Translator, Messianic Jews & All Believers! "MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to wash the sins away."
Amightywind Prophecy 123 (by AMW video team) Devastation is Coming! Devastation is Here! "I am the same YAHUVEH, that raises the dead. I am the same YAHUVEH, that either gives judgment or salvation. I have not changed."
Amightywind Prophecy 10 - Take Back What satan Has Stolen! "You are a living sacrifice to ME. The work you are doing is not done in your strength and might, but under MY strength and might."
2003 Rosh Ha Shanah Dream & Song "HE'S Coming Soon" by Amightywind Music Ministry led by singers Ablewaterwalker/YAHSLittleOne, a ministry theme song - In Description see Prophecy - What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?
Prophecy 125 - Satan's elite will use the blood red moon of September 27th, 2015! YAH Warned "Pray against the spiritual darkness," "This is NOT, I, YAHUVEH'S wrath. This is the elite's wrath.."