The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
The Rapture/Great Solar Flash — Nostradamus Effect (S1E12) | WEin5D Tips: 1. FLASH is Perspective, 2. YOUR Christ Consciousness is Your Divine Protection (Not an Archetype—SO DO THE WORK), 3. You're Living the Tribulations NOW—You're Fine!
Dan Bongino on Michelle Obama's Interview with Jay Shetty—His Perspective is That She Will Not be Running. | WE in 5D: My Perspective is That She's Likely to Run!
Dumb it Down to 3D! If the Term "God-Given Rights" Loses it's Tangibility (Side Note: Then Your Personal Spirituality is Doing You a Disservice) LET'S MAKE IT TANGIBLE via an Atheist Perspective. In Short: YOU MUST ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS.