9 months agoAre YOU a Zionist? What's Really Happening In Our World Today! Pastor Carl Gallups ExplainsPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoIt's ALL Connected! No Other Word - No Other Faith - No Other Savior! Pastor Carl Gallups ExplainsPastor Carl Gallups
8 months agoPat Boone's Latest Song Inspired by Pastor Carl Gallups' Book! #shortsPastor Carl Gallups
5 months agoPART 1 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood AlliancePastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoPastor Carl Gallups Being Interviewed in Dallas, TX (2019) - The Man Who Saw The End Times!Pastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoSetting the Lies Straight! With FACT: Biblical, Historical, Scientific! Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
10 months agoThe Mystery of the Threshold Covenant! You Know Who You Are - Now BE THAT! Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoGOD's Witnesses Stunningly Revealed in Black and White Scripture Text! - Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
7 months agoHebrew to English - a prayer and blessing over you, from Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
6 months agoThe Most Misinterpreted Scripture in the New Testament! Pastor Carl Gallups teaches!Pastor Carl Gallups
5 months agoThe Stunning Power that God Gives Us...that so many miss! Pastor Carl Gallups PreachesPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoNo other Savior, No other Book, No other Prophecies Like It! Pastor Carl Gallups PreachesPastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoFrom The River to the Sea? Where Did THAT Phrase Come From? Pastor Carl Gallups ExplainsPastor Carl Gallups
6 months agoPastor Carl Gallups Praying in Hebrew with English translation, in a Lord's Day worship servicePastor Carl Gallups
5 months agoPART 1 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood AlliancePastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoThe Stunning Biblical Mystery about Motherhood! Pastor Carl Gallups Preaches & Makes RelevantPastor Carl Gallups
27 days agoMessianic Rabbi Zev Porat, Pastor Casper McCloud, and Dr. Carrie Madej – DON’T MISS THIS INTERVIEW!Messiah of Israel Ministries
6 months agoThe Mystery of The Great High Priest - A Relevant Word with Pastor Carl GallupsPastor Carl Gallups
5 months agoPART 2 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood AlliancePastor Carl Gallups
8 months agoWhat! How Did THAT Get There? - Destroying the Lie of Deutero-Isaiah! Pastor Carl Gallups PreachesPastor Carl Gallups
8 months agoHow is Pentecost and Father's Day Connected? Pastor Carl Gallups Preaches | June 16, 2024Pastor Carl Gallups
5 months agoPART 2 - Maria Goldstein interviews Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups - Blood AlliancePastor Carl Gallups
9 months agoBecause of Moms! (1 min. YT SHORTS) Pastor Carl Gallups on Mother's Day (Hillarious!)Pastor Carl Gallups
10 months agoGod's Crazy In Love With You! - - I Hear Chains Breaking! Pastor Carl Gallups Explainscarlgallups