NOT "CRAZY" JUST VERY OBSERVANT! See the description for Videos Webinars By one of the most famous scientists in the field of telecommunications, Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
@HOPEGIRLBLOG I actually provide Quality work for everything we have! I Don't Sell FRAUD Products! The time I spend here with you folks is FREE! The only thing I want is public Education!
#Trust! - This Is For You "MOM" Don't Just Listen But Actually Hear The Words In The First 5 Songs! - THEN FOLLOW THE PROVIDED VIDEO DATA & LINKS BELOW!!! GO 👂 & 👀 & USE YOUR 🧠
Securing Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things using Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks based parameter profiling - ScienceDirect
A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing | Seminar WIoT Institute - Anna Vizziello, from the University of Pavia, discusses the technologies driving innovation in body area networks to face the specific challenges
When you follow the "Experts" that can't even read academic government funded White Papers, Standards, Policies and Marketshare You Are In BIG Trouble!