5 months agoLive Baccarat - Like, Comment, & Subscribe will help this channel grow.Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - Grueling battle to recover. Bet size adjustments (BSA) should've been employed.Crack the Baccarat Code
4 months agoLive Baccarat - 54 units in 55 minutes at 54.7 hit rate with ROG LCSCrack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - BEC BER T2s LCSD3 ROG 2nd Lvl NR 3L Stop - 31 units in 32 minutes with 57.8% hitsCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoBaccarat Live - This MM hasn't actually failed yet so I must stay the course & continue testing it.Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - 100 units in 79 minutes with Practice Makes Profit money managementCrack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - 659 units in 133 minutes. Went to level 20. 424 unit drawdown. 48.8% hit rate.Crack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoLive Baccarat - 40 units won in 36 minutes with 52.6% hit rate and 38 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
23 days agoLive Baccarat - Betting against the sheet after 3 LIAR - 100 units, 175 minutes, 49 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code