4 months agoHow do keto dieters stay in touch? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #PunnyHumor #GrowlerGrins #Shorts #FYPDad Funnies
4 months agoMy dad bought a pair of camouflage pants. @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #jokes #puns #ShortsDad Funnies
4 months agoWhy do birds fly south in the fall? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Shorts #funnyshorts #funnyvideos #FYPageDad Funnies
4 months agoWhy Did Dad Name Our Dog "Five Miles"? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #jokes #puns #fypageDad Funnies
3 months agoPicture Riddle @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Humor #DadJoke #Shorts #funny #funnyjokes #funnyshorts #RiddleDad Funnies
5 months agoI used to make loads of money clearing leaves from lawns. @DadFunnies #DadJokes #funnyshorts#ShortsDad Funnies
3 months agoDaylight Saving Controversy @DadFunnies #DaylightSavingTime #DST #HistoryOfTime #BenjaminFranklinDad Funnies
5 months agoThe square root of funny is…! @DadFunnies #Dad #DadJokes #Shorts #Funny #funnyshorts #funnyvideosDad Funnies
5 months agoWhy did the deer get braces? @DadFunnies #Dad #DadJokes #Shorts #Funny #funnyshorts #funnyvideosDad Funnies
3 months agoWhy Did Dads Wrenches Always Get Along? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #funnyshorts #funnyshortDad Funnies
5 months agoWhat did one blade of grass say to the other? @DadFunnies #Dad #DadJokes #Shorts #funnyshorts #FYPDad Funnies
5 months agoDad Is Bowling Joke @DadFunnies #Dad #DadJokes #Humor #DadJoke #funny #funnyjokes #funnyshortsDad Funnies
4 months agoWhy do politicians love scripted speeches? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Shorts #Funny #funnyshorts #FYPDad Funnies
5 months agoWhat do you call a factory that makes good products? @DadFunnies #DadJokeShorts #DadJoke #ShortsDad Funnies
3 months agoWhy did the belt get arrested? @DadFunnies #dadjoke #dadjokes #jokes #funnymemes #lol #joke #humorDad Funnies
2 months agoWhy do bridges make the best company? 😂 #DadJokes #FunnyVideo #DadFunnies #BridgeHumor #ViralComedyDad Funnies
4 months agoWhy Did The Mechanic Sleep Under The Car? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #jokes #puns #FYPageDad Funnies
4 months agoWhat goes up but never comes down? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #funnyshorts #funnyshortDad Funnies
4 months agoHow do trees get on the internet? @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Shorts #funnyshorts #funnyvideos #FYPageDad Funnies
5 months agoRequesting! @DadFunnies #Dad #DadJokes #Humor #DadJoke #Family#Vedio #funny #funnyjokes #funnyshortsDad Funnies
5 months agoDads On Keto Now Look What He's Up To @DadFunnies #DadJokes #DadJoke #Shorts #funny #funnyjokes#KetoDad Funnies
4 months ago10 11 2024 Salted Peanut Dad Joke @DadFunnies #DadJokes #Funny #memes #jokes #puns #funnyshorts #FYPDad Funnies