9 months agoStay away from the ‘Unstable Creature’: THE AMERICAN WOMAN beginning with the BLACK WOMANWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
7 months agoBEST OF WEEK: WHM! Steve King! Trump! 3rd World USA | July 1-5, '24Jesse Lee PetersonVerified
10 months agoBlack Man Moves In With White Single Mom & INSTANTLY REGRETS IT!The Saving Men's Lives Network
26 days agoHe Slept With His Daughter Every Night Until One Night, African Folktales, African FolkloreBigsam5
3 months agoLiberal Black Women REFUSE To Date White Men Following Election!The Saving Men's Lives Network
5 months agoYour Misery is Coming from your mind and emotions… NOT THE ELECTION WHAT DA? | JLP Wed 9-4-24Jesse Lee PetersonVerified
11 months agoOh the Wall Goin’ UP (in Ukraine); Immigration TRUTH; Richard Gordon Hatcher | JLP SHOW (3/20/24)Jesse Lee PetersonVerified
11 months agoSotomayor/Clarence Thomas; MIAMI; Omaha Attack; Men Need Women?; Equal Partner? | JLP SHOW (3/6/24)Jesse Lee PetersonVerified
2 days agoThey push fear by sickness so you can believe their LIES #EXPERIMENTALDRUGS#VAXXINESHebrew Israelite Truth
11 days ago🚨⚠ Elon Musks says "There needs to be a reset and IT will happen" M.O.T.B. SYS⚠ 🚨Hebrew Israelite Truth
10 days ago🚨⚠ The thief cometh not but to STEAL: TRUMP THE RULER OF THE WORLD⚠ 🚨Hebrew Israelite Truth
8 days agoIf AMERIKKKA keep going on the way its going ECONOMICALLY all HELL will BREAK LOOSE #SHTFHebrew Israelite Truth
6 days agoProphecy Watch: A WARNING the DAY of the LORD is NIGH @ HAND #REPENT#JUDGEMENTHebrew Israelite Truth
6 days agoBe not DISMAYED @ the signs of HEAVEN MARCH 13th, #passover#BLOODMOONHebrew Israelite Truth