6 months agoAstraZeneca admits for first time in court documents its Covid vaccine can cause blood clotsSettingBrushfires
6 months agoAttendee at Trump rally claims he saw the alleged shooter on a rooftop near the eventSettingBrushfires
6 months agoDonald Trump slowly moved off stage after apparent shots fired at his rallySettingBrushfires
6 months agoRNC Idolators Bow in Prayer To 'Waheguru' by Harmeet Dhillon As One True GodSettingBrushfires
6 months agoWhen LBJ announced he would not seek reelection in 1968, he gave a 40 minute addressSettingBrushfires
6 months agoDeagel forecasts that there will be a 550 million reduction of people in the world from 2017 to 2025SettingBrushfires
6 months agoBehind The Illusion: Exposing Hollywood’s Deep State Agenda With Tiffany FitzhenrySettingBrushfires