Jesus Breaks People's Chains + John Ramirez Challenged Marilyn Manson, Delivered Manson's Girlfriend and Her Demon-Possessed Little Boy and Led Them Both To Christ
Prophetic Revelations, 52 Days of Nehemiah 6:15, Prophetic Warnings From New Film Bonhoeffer, Recurring Beast-Whore Patterns In History, 2026 Is 250th Anniversary of USA, America Elected The Anti-Christ Trump, Judgment Is Coming
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
University of Cincinnati: Preaching To Thousands of Students, Many Ignore Me, One Young Female Interviews Me For Her Civics Project, Some Mock and Jeer, One Student Rebukes Me For Judging, I Pass Out 3 Gospel Tracts, Preaching Jesus!
Dream From Subscriber Confirms What Holy Spirit Told Me: Trump Will Allow Russia & China To Nuke The USA, Trump's Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, The Original Land Grant Given For Israel, Sukkot Enforced By Jesus In 1000 Year Reign