6 months agoPokemon Gauntlet - Fan-made Game Challenging rogue-like with exploration and gauntletsDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Black Pearl Emerald - GBA ROM Hack has 9 starters, mega evolutions, nozlocke, pocket pcDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Infinity - Good Fan-made Game 100+ Fakemon, Nice Graphics, New story & regions, Post-GameDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Temple of Time - Roguelike, trainers, boss battles, wild encounters and puzzlesDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Covenant - Fan-made Game has Gen 2 style, new story, new heroes, some new regional formsDucumon
6 months agoRoman Mon - GBA ROM Hack has 100 Types in Game more battle frontier mons, custom teamsDucumon
6 months agoPokemon Brown 20th Anniversary Edition - GB ROM Hack new region, 231 Pokémon, breathtaking buildingsDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Tales of the Outskirt Stand - Fan-made Game after the events of XD/Colosseum, Shadow PokemonDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Recharged Pink - GBA ROM Hack, Clefairy version of Pokemon Recharged YellowDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Oranje - Fan-made Game with Dutch memes, famous Dutch people, and more. I LOVE IT!Ducumon
5 months agoPokemon Emerald Mini - GBA ROM Hack Good concept with a mini-map, The Story is tweaked, It's FunDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Shadows of Time - NDS ROM Hack has New Map, Mega Evolution, Fakemon, Shadow PokemonDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Crossed Universes - GBA ROM Hack New story New region, Good Graphics, New Fakemon, New MusicDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Interweb - GBA ROM Hack has over 70 new Fakemons, new characters, new mapsDucumon
5 months agoPokemon Humilau Resort Escape Room - NDS ROM Hack, hardcore Pokemon game and escape roomDucumon
5 months agoPokemon SpinSpinSpin - Great GBA ROM Hack, talk to NPC, go quests, collect items, spin 90° the gameDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Extreme Yellow - GBC ROM Hack has Mega Evo, Better Pikachu, New Pokemon & Moves, Hard ModeDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Norman Adventures - GBA ROM hack play as Norman Pokemon Champion, and fight crime againDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Collapse - Short GBA ROM Hack with Marshtomp, Bayleef, and Monferno on the islandDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Crimson & Cobalt - Fan-made Game New Adventures, HM Modules, Unreal Time, Crafting RecipesDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Heart Gold Reloaded - NDS ROM Hack has Gen 9, Fuecoco, Sprigatito, and QuaxlyDucumon
4 months agoPokemon Lavender - GBA Halloween Game is inspired by Hypno's Lullaby creepypasta, MUST TRYDucumon