9 months ago2 Drunk Unbelievers Couldn't Wait to Harass the Street Preacher, they found the right one!!! 😘🫴📖PreachingGodsWord23
9 months agoNew Debate on Divorce & Remarriage! He was afraid to debate live, and refused to show his face!PreachingGodsWord23
8 months agoPreaching and Reaching the lost souls in the streets of Houston, Tx! Glory to our Lord Jesus ChristPreachingGodsWord23
3 months agoThe 1st Resurrection & Post-Millennialism: Revelation 20:5-6 - Lesson 23 (Series 4)The Orthodox Ethos
23 days agoSaint Ignatius Sunday Before Theophany (1/22/22)Great-Martyrs Theodore Recruit and General