1. The CCP has drawn arbitrary boundaries in the South China Sea

    The CCP has drawn arbitrary boundaries in the South China Sea

  2. Political Persecution Encountered by Miles Guo During the Establishment of Pangu Hotel

    Political Persecution Encountered by Miles Guo During the Establishment of Pangu Hotel

  3. Aila: There Must Be Deals Made Between Microsoft and the CCP

    Aila: There Must Be Deals Made Between Microsoft and the CCP

  4. The CCP's Exploitation of the Wealth of the Chinese People: A Well-Known Open Secret

    The CCP's Exploitation of the Wealth of the Chinese People: A Well-Known Open Secret

  5. Recent CCP Actions Suggest Xi Jinping May Be Ready to Invade Taiwan

    Recent CCP Actions Suggest Xi Jinping May Be Ready to Invade Taiwan

  6. Venezuela's Resistance to Dictatorship is an Inspiring Example for the Chinese People

    Venezuela's Resistance to Dictatorship is an Inspiring Example for the Chinese People

  7. Aila: CCP Would Go After Any of the Outspoken Dissidents or Dissident Communities

    Aila: CCP Would Go After Any of the Outspoken Dissidents or Dissident Communities

  8. Ava: CCP's Strategy Is Twofold: One Is Depleting, and the Other Is Breaking the Dollar

    Ava: CCP's Strategy Is Twofold: One Is Depleting, and the Other Is Breaking the Dollar

  9. Social media like TikTok are the CCP’s nuclear weapons to destroy the US in its unrestricted war

    Social media like TikTok are the CCP’s nuclear weapons to destroy the US in its unrestricted war

  10. The current situation in the United States parallels the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    The current situation in the United States parallels the Chinese Cultural Revolution

  11. Communist China is completely duplicated in America

    Communist China is completely duplicated in America

  12. The CCP forced Mr. Miles Guo’s supporters in mainland China to file lawsuits against him in the U.S.

    The CCP forced Mr. Miles Guo’s supporters in mainland China to file lawsuits against him in the U.S.

  13. America Has to Stop All Funds Going Into CCP's Biological Weapon Projects

    America Has to Stop All Funds Going Into CCP's Biological Weapon Projects

  14. Through buying off businessmen, NGOs and the media, the CCP is attempting to take over the U.S.

    Through buying off businessmen, NGOs and the media, the CCP is attempting to take over the U.S.

  15. Mao Zedong-Style Culture Revolution Is Currently Taking Place in the United States

    Mao Zedong-Style Culture Revolution Is Currently Taking Place in the United States

  16. Aila: There Are Different Levels of These Informants and Spies in CCP

    Aila: There Are Different Levels of These Informants and Spies in CCP

  17. The CCP has expanded its naval aggression to many regions worldwide

    The CCP has expanded its naval aggression to many regions worldwide

  18. CCP to Increase Interference to Distract and Influence US Election Results

    CCP to Increase Interference to Distract and Influence US Election Results

  19. The CCP Has Already Started Its Unrestricted Warfare Towards the U.S.

    The CCP Has Already Started Its Unrestricted Warfare Towards the U.S.

  20. Ava Shares Her Views on the Iran-Israel Conflict

    Ava Shares Her Views on the Iran-Israel Conflict

  21. CCP Controls AMC Theaters, Using It to Indoctrinate Americans With Its Ideology

    CCP Controls AMC Theaters, Using It to Indoctrinate Americans With Its Ideology

  22. Ava: Whoever Investigates the Infiltration of the CCP, Follow the Money, PP and NFSC

    Ava: Whoever Investigates the Infiltration of the CCP, Follow the Money, PP and NFSC

  23. Aila: We Must Stop the US Money Flow Into CCP-Controlled Institutions and Research Programs

    Aila: We Must Stop the US Money Flow Into CCP-Controlled Institutions and Research Programs

  24. All Businesses in China's Survival Hinges on Submitting to the CCP

    All Businesses in China's Survival Hinges on Submitting to the CCP

  25. CCP Can Drag Down the US Economy Through Its Fake Bubble Economy

    CCP Can Drag Down the US Economy Through Its Fake Bubble Economy
