1 month agoDebating (Isle of Wight) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,064: An attempted discussion on BirthdaysChristianComedyChannel
20 days agoDebating (Eastleigh) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,074: This cowardly elder "does a runner."ChristianComedyChannel
18 days agoDebating (UK Bethel) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,085: I ask the Service Desk about their own racismChristianComedyChannel
16 days agoDebating (Warwick) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,087: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 19ChristianComedyChannel
13 days agoDebating (Milton Keynes) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,091: I ask can some Baptists be Real Christians?ChristianComedyChannel
12 days agoDebating (Northampton) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,099: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 13 on WarfareChristianComedyChannel
12 days agoDebating (Northampton) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,098: Why can't JW children celebrate their birthdays?ChristianComedyChannel
12 days agoDebating (Northampton) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,097: Why did people pray to Jesus?ChristianComedyChannel
11 days agoDebating (Milton Keynes) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,100: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 13 on WarfareChristianComedyChannel
3 months agoSecrets of History | Flight to Varennes - The Crazy Escape of Louis XVIAdaneth - History&Politics
23 days agoDebating (Bethel HQ) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,078: The UK Legal DepartmentChristianComedyChannel
15 days agoTalking to Muslims 377: Bury Mosque on Surah 7:157 - I ask them what is the Injil?ChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Liberia, Africa) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,058: This lady hasn't learnt how to communicateChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Morpeth) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,061: This JW tells me Brother Lett will become an angelChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoSleeping Beauty: The Enchanting Tale of Briar Rose, Fairies, and True Love's AwakeningRebelliousSea
9 months agoProphet Julie Green - Take FiVe with Pastor Dave and Julie Feb 28 - 2024 - CaptionsBelieve And Live!Verified
19 days agoDebating (Belfast) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,083: This cowardly elder does a runner!ChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 820: Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (part 1 of 2)ChristianComedyChannel
26 days agoDebating (London) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,071: Will Jesus need help from others in forgiving sins?ChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoDebating (Winchester) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,066: Were your Governing Body appointed in 1919?ChristianComedyChannel
1 month agoTalking to Muslims 367: Why did your prophet have sex with a girl of nine years of age?ChristianComedyChannel
20 days agoDebating (Rayleigh) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,073: Does Jesus need help in forgiving sins?ChristianComedyChannel