Amber Rose | "Satanists Help Alot of Women to Get Abortions & Help the LGBQ Community. Hail Satan, An Amazing Documentary! How Can I Become a Satanist? Jesus Scares Me, Knowing All the Things He's Done." - 2/6/24
Amber Rose | "Satanists, It's Actually a Very Rational, Logical Religion. They Help Alot of Women to Get Abortions & Help Alot of the LGBQ Community. Hail Satan, An Amazing Documentary! How Can I Become a Satanist?" - 2/6/24
1917 Rudolf Steiner Predicted ‘Experimental Vaccine’ That Would Destroy The Human Soul/Trans Women Demanding ‘Uterus Transplants’ so They Can Experience the ‘Bliss of Abortion’/PURE EVIL: Ohio Woman Accused of Stabbing Mother and Her Three-Yea