Gold | Gold Hits All-Time High Again! ($2,443.86 As of July 18th 2024) | Why Are Central Banks Continuing to Purchase Copious Amounts of Gold? "Gold Is Headed for $3,000." - Wall Street Journal + Gold-Backed BRICS Currency?
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?
BRICS | China Expects Major Economic Growth After Ditching US Dollar + Why Is China Making Man-Made Island Bases? + What Is China’s Skynet Mass Surveillance Project Created In 2005
BRICS | "The Small Local Banks Are About to Fail. The Banking Sector Is In Real Trouble" - Clayton Morris + "You've Got This Switch Right Here & No More BTFP Come March 12th of 2024, And Surely Means a CBDC." - George Gammon
Turkey | Turkey Applies to Join BRICS | Turkey Becomes the First NATO Country to Request Membership Into the BRICS Block Alliance | Turkey’s bid for BRICS both a strategic and symbolic step, - CNBC (9/10/24)
BRICS | Why Is the Mainstream Media Not Discussing BRICS & the Collapse of the Dollar? What Percentage of Americas Know That America Is Headed Off a Financial Cliff? "It's Bigger Than Losing Any War." - Donald J. Trump
BRICS | "This Is a Financial War. Russia Is Having the BRICS Summit In October And They Are Going to Admit Alot of New Members. This Is the Key to Making the BRICS Currency A Very Successful Currency." - Jim Rickards (7/5/2024)