9 months agoTalking to Muslims 132: Two Muslims from the UAE - Mostly spoken in ArabicChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 136: A Mosque in Derby on the Quran's view of the BibleChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 144: Chester Mosque on the Quran's view of the BibleChristianComedyChannel
10 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 717: Moses led the Muslims through the wildernessChristianComedyChannel
9 months agoTalking to Muslims 181: Why are there 30 versions of the Quran's Arabic text?ChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoTalking to Muslims 237: The Baitful Ma'Mur Jami Masjid in NorthamptonChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoTalking to Muslims 243: Hayes Muslim Centre can't address Surah 5:47, 2:79 and 7:157ChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 750: Bibleway Church at Enfield on Isaiah 9:6 and Colossians 2:9ChristianComedyChannel
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 751: The worst discussion on 1st John 3:8 with an ApostolicChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoTalking to Muslims 221: My discussion with The Muslim Lantern 2 of 2ChristianComedyChannel
8 months agoTalking to Muslims 233: An attempted discussion about Surah 2:78-79ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 761: Mr talkative from Iglesia ni Cristo in OxfordChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Rotherham) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,969: What is Spiritual Food?ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoTalking to Muslims 285: A rude Muslim from Bradford who cannot defend the QuranChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoTalking to Muslims 287: A discussion on the Quran's view of the Bible.ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (UK Service Desk) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,975: Serena Williams and the Olympic TorchChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Bristol) Jehovah's Witness 2,976: Serena Williams and the Olympic FlameChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Ghana) Jehovah's Witness 2,985: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 19ChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Houston) Jehovah's Witnesses 2,986: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 13 on WarfareChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Ghana) Jehovah's Witness 2,987: Enjoy Life Forever lesson 9 on PrayerChristianComedyChannel
6 months agoDebating (Philippines) Jehovah's Witness 2,990: 1st Corinthians 8:6 and John 20:28ChristianComedyChannel