Spirit Cooker and High Level Satanist Marina Abramovic Praises Donald Trump, Identifies Trump As The Great Magician That Will Usher In The Chaos Needed To Bring About The Age of Aquarius -- Why Is Marina So Overjoyed Trump Will Be President?
Yuval Noah Harari | Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson Call Out Yuval Noah Harari, “That guy (yuval noah harari) & people like him are a threat to your life. they are not just wrong, they are evil.” - Tucker Carlson + Gold Price Hits Record High!!!
Elon Musk | "Is There a Use for Humans? There Is Some Argument for Humans As a Source of Will or Purpose. It's a Much Higher Bar to Compete With 8 Billion Machine-Augmented Humans." - 8/2/24 + The Singularity + Nexus?