The Order of Melchizedek, Initiates of the Flame (by Manly P. Hall), Immortality, Godhood + Anti-Christ, Jessie Knows His Identity But Cannot Reveal it
Bohemian Grove, Altar to Moloch, Part of an Initiation, Sacrifice + Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, France + Node 9, Hidden Comms Channel, "Lucifer"
The Halloween Ritual with Kanye West, Marilyn Manson & Justin Bieber + Jessie Sent Kanye a Message About Getting Out of the System, She Received No Reply (Is Kanye Really Out?) + High Up in the System + The Use of Energy in Rituals
Bi-dan (Fake Joe Biden), Obama, Prepped Since Childhood for His Role + Bidan's Inauguration, The Order of Melchizedek + The Obama Girls Were Pimped Out, Lady Gaga