8 months agoTrump Spent Weekend Posting These Hysterical Memes Trolling Biden Over Debate | Joe Hides in SHAME 🤣levtcs
8 months agoas expected liberal satanic Democrat cult klan Wont Stop Lying About zombie joe Biden’s Mental Statelevtcs
7 months agoeven since 2021 liberal democrat demented script reader puppet zombie joe Biden never runs d countrylevtcs
7 months agowhy would democrats desperately want Illegals to Vote In 2024 if biden really had 81 million votes??levtcs
7 months agoliberal satanic democrat cult demented zombie joe Biden Doesn’t Stand A Chance on Pres Trump's Imagelevtcs
6 months agosince 2020 liberal democrat demented zombie Joe Biden more decrepit the lib democrat sheep voted forlevtcs
4 months ago"Trump Supporters Are Garbage" Pres Trump’s EPIC Garbage Truck Entrance After Biden’s VICIOUS Attacklevtcs
9 months agoRep. Guy Reschenthaler: Biden's Asylum Amnesty Scheme Illegal -Blasts Fauci As Discredited LiarJohn Fredericks Media NetworkVerified
4 months agodemocrat fake news & The View scarmbling to cover up dem cult Joe Biden Call Trump Supporter GARBAGElevtcs
4 months agoUSA muslim community endorse Trump & dont believe liberal democrat cult klan biden Kamala fearmongerlevtcs
6 months ago🚨liberal satanic democrat cult klan flip flop serial liar Kamala suddenly dont want to ban frackinglevtcs
4 months agodemocrat Joe Biden CAUGHT TRASHING Kamala To Obama's FACE As Her CAMPAIGN TANKS In ALL SWING States!levtcs
4 months agodemocrat Kamala STUMPED When Asked How She’s Different From zombie joe Biden, they're not differentlevtcs
4 months agoif dem demented zombie joe biden really had 81M votes why democrat need to import millions illegalslevtcs
6 months agoFALLOUT: How liberal hypocrite satanic democrat cult klan DOJ Story democrat Hunter Biden Laptop 2.0levtcs
7 months agodemocrat demented zombie joe Biden suddenly in bad condition? Running away from humiliating defeatlevtcs
7 months agosuddenly democrat demented zombie Joe Biden stepped down to avoid humiliating landslide defeat 7-21levtcs
9 months agoBiden lying a mile a minute - The Jeff and Bill Show - May 13, 2024News/Talk 710 KNUSVerified
2 months agolib democrat cult zombie Joe Biden BACKSTAB Nancy Pelosi As Jill Biden Plot REVENGE on Democrat Couplevtcs