Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now At a Moment of Greater Change Than Any Previous Time In History." + "History Began When Humans Invented Gods & History Will End When Humans Become Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
BRICS | “I saw something today that's maybe worse than anything. President Xi of China, I know him well. President Putin of Russia, I know him well. They're together working on plans where they combine." - Donald J. Trump (5/16/24)
Elon Musk | "They Are Pretty Good At Science In China. The Mayor of Beijing Has An Environmental Engineering Degree. The Deputy Mayor Has a Physics Degree. The Mayor of Shanghai Is Really Smart." - Elon Musk (9/7/2018)
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "A Man Named Dana White, Who You Love, Who I Love, I Assume You Love Him?" - Donald J. Trump "I Love That Dude. He's Probably the Reason Why You Are Here." - Rogan
Yuval Noah Harari | "How Did You Manage to Be Celebrated By Gates, Zuckerberg, Obama & the Davos Crowds?" + "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
Elon Musk | "At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. I Would Recommend Iain Banks, the Culture Books. He Does Have This Concept of a Neural Lace." 10/28/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018) + "Memphis, Perhaps That Is Where Our New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk (7/22/2024) To Get the Full Context o