President Trump on Potential VP Picks + Denies His Campaign Reached Out to RFK Jr., But Says He Likes Him a Lot. RFK Jr. Says His Campaign DID Reach Out—One of Them is Fibbing! | WE in 5D: Full Interview Out Later Today!
"Dear Petty Tyrants..." | WE in 5D: That's YOU in My Comments. Thank You for Your Service!! [BUUUT.. You Don't Exist on This Channel Past a Few Hours—You're Welcome!] #ItsUseless #ItsNotTheVibrationalToneOfMyMysterySchool
The Winning Formula: "I'LL DO WHAT I CAN WITH WHAT I HAVE!" + U.S. Appeals Court Rules Trump Has NO Presidential Immunity in Jan 6 Case, Poland Prepares for War with Russia, and More! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.