LIVE! Sat.Dec.14,'24 PART THREE 8pm/2:40am/9:20am ET: The Democrats Weaponized the IRS. We are their targets, Tyranny and Election Rigging are their objectives. They want our assets, so as to disable our rights and beliefs!
FIOS MAFIA CENSORED: US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose Biden Terror Plots & explain MASA P3i Public Self Defence Initiative: protect your family from EVIL: millions of Cross-Border Terrorists!
( -0838 ) a Climate of Bad Intent - LA Fires Rage While Adam Schiff's Dark World is Threatened ( Plus Facing Strange Realities After Speilberg's 'CIA Disclosure' Failed )
LIVE! Sun.Dec.15,'24 PART FOUR 8pm/12:50am/5:40am ET: The Democrats Weaponized the IRS. We are their targets, Tyranny and Election Rigging are their objectives. They want our assets, so as to disable our rights and beliefs!