More Proof I Am A True 100% Accurate Prophet, 42 American Judgments, Trump Appoints Soros-Tied Sodomite As Treasury Sec, Pam Bondi Aided Jeff Epstein, Russia Prepares 3 TOPOL-M Nuke Warheads, Xi's Red Lines, Taiwan, Duduman 1996 Prophecy Of Taiwan
Kris & Brenda of Fayetteville, Idolizing "Celestial the Sodomite Graphic Vain Imagination False Prophet" Have Cut Me Off -- Please Stop Sending Your Snail Mail Donations To Them, God Has Given Me A Jeremiah Mantle!
Giant Illuminati Pyramid on RNC Stage, Sikh Prays To False God At RNC, Churches Promote Bible Twisting, False Prophet Brandon Biggs Exposed, JD Vance's Role, The Great Falling Away Has Begun