"I'm 16 and My Parents Are Charging Me Rent!" (Should They Be?) — The Ramsey Show | WE in 5D: This is the BEST Way to FOREVER Ruin How Your Child Sees You, and Occasionally You'll Even Create Wokeist Kids...
If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow (Responsibly) and Took Accountability for Their Created-Timeline Via Previous Poor Choices, They Could Take Back Their Earth. Let No One Tell You Owning Your Shadow is Less Than 5D. Proper Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
Former Navy Seal Who Took Bin Laden Out on Plant Medicine/Psychedelic Therapy! | Robert J. O'Neill Also Gives His Take on WW3, The Trump Assassination Attempts, and Bin Laden Death Conspiracies!
Government Mind Control Agent: INSIDE THE MIND OF A MASTER MANIPULATOR, and How He Became That! + TAKE NOTE & BEWARE: Nearly 70% of HUMANS ARE DAMAGED! | Chase Hughes on the Danny Jones Podcast
BOMBSHELL: Pity Diddy Just the Tip of the Iceberg! Might He Expose Them ALL? They're After Him Not to Gather Evidence, BUT TO HIDE IT! Remember Folks, This is 3D. You Don't Get to 5D TIL YOU TAKE IT. | Redacted News
Election Whistleblower: "We Have the Proof" — The Roseanne Barr Podcast | WE in 5D: The Illuminati Rejected Your Proof. So Stop Telling People Someone Will Save Them, and Start Telling Them to Organize to TAKE THE FUTURE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS!