2 months agoEtoiles / Stars - Nikon P1000 ✨✨✨ April 2021 (Mars, Castor, Capella, Kappa Geminorum)Flat Earth Clock app
8 months agoSatanic NWO Cabal & NASA Are Having Panic Attacks Due to Nikon P1000 ! Get Yours While Stock Lasts !Liberty TV
11 months agoDoomscrollin #10: Jay Z Is A Fed, Wild E Coyote In Hell, Little Baron Trump, Baby Hitler, Fat Gays 4/4 At 3pm pstSam TripoliVerified
1 month agoBEWARE of Staged Sightings Pushing the Alien Psyop to Prime the Masses for One-World Government !!!Liberty TV
2 months ago1775 BIBLE EXPOSES FAKE NEW YEAR'S DAY + How to Reconnect to the Natural Cycle of a 13-Mth CalendarLiberty TV
1 month agoThe DEEP STATE Wants to Ban TikTok Because Truther Videos Like This Are Spreading Like Wildfire !?!Liberty TV
1 month agoIf You Still Don't Understand the BIGGER PLAN, Please Research Agenda 21, Flat Earth & N. Pole ShiftLiberty TV
1 month agoFirst-Ever Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit against the Weaponization of 5G to Depopulate & Control the WorldLiberty TV
1 month agoTHE ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE: Luminous Moon Is a Reflection of the Blessed Face of Our Earthly MotherLiberty TV
1 month agoThe Plasma Moon Mirrors All Continents in Real Time, Showing Earth Is Flat. It's a Flat-Earth Proof!Liberty TV
2 months agoThey Fear This Truth Getting Out! The Survival of Unmodified Humans Depends on It! Spread Like Fire!Liberty TV
1 month agoDr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters Are Suspected NWO Gatekeepers Pushing the "Snake Venom" NarrativeLiberty TV