UFO Crash Retrievals Throughout History (1/16/24) — Aerospace Historian, Michael Schratt Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: It's THESE Types of Interviews That Makes Kerry a Legend, and Now Here We Have a New One!
IT'S TIME TO MAKE A BIG DEAL NOW MORE THAT EVER! Small Forms of, Not Only Poor Customer Service, But TYRANNY Have Escalated and Increased Little by Little Throughout Many Patient Years and Decades to Socially Train and Engineer You!
A.I. Can Make the Qanon PsyOp Even WORSE, if it’s Not Already Being Used by Any of the Goalpost-Moving Favorite Personalities! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Dumb it Down to 3D! If the Term "God-Given Rights" Loses it's Tangibility (Side Note: Then Your Personal Spirituality is Doing You a Disservice) LET'S MAKE IT TANGIBLE via an Atheist Perspective. In Short: YOU MUST ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS.